2. Castle II – It contains the entire second floor of the Castle: the State Rooms. the Ottoman Turkish Tents
duration 60 min.
April 2, 2025,
The spacious, high-ceilinged rooms on the second floor were used for ceremonial events. Sessions of the sejm and senate, royal audiences, and wedding receptions and balls were held in these grand rooms. Following a catastrophic fire in 1595, the east and north wings of the Renaissance residence built by the Jagiellons were renovated in the early Baroque style by architect Giovanni Trevano for King Sigismund III. Consequently, this part of the castle has Baroque furnishings.
Further on the second floor of the Castle are presented trophies from the Battle of Vienna of 1683 and historic objects associated with King John III Sobieski, such as three magnificent Ottoman tents. (The Wawel collection of Ottoman tents is the largest in Europe.)
Family discounts apply when purchasing tickets for individual visits to the Castle's exhibitions. A special family discount is valid when purchasing a ticket: Wawel for Enthusiasts.
Family discounts do not apply to routes with a guide or educator.
Children 0–7 years of age (until their seventh birthday) – free admission
Family discount applies to a family of 1–2 adults with max. 5 children (till 18 yrs. of age) per adult; min. 1 adult + 1 child:
- 1+1, 2+1 – discount applies to 1 adult ticket
- 2+2, 2+3 – discount applies to 2 adult tickets
- 2+4 – discount applies to 2 adult ticket (in addition – 4th child 7–18 yrs. of age receives free admission).
If a family discount is used, parents/guardians should uncheck item No. 8 "OTHER" when selecting the status eligible for the discount.