Family discount applies for the purchase of tickets for exhibitions: Castle I, Castle II, Wawel Underground, Treasury, Armoury and Dragon’s Den (does not apply to routes).
Children 0–7 years of age (until their seventh birthday) – free admission
Family discount applies to a family of 1–2 adults with max. 5 children (till 18 yrs. of age) per adult; min. 1 adult + 1 child:
- 1+1, 2+1 – discount applies to 1 adult ticket
- 2+2, 2+3 – discount applies to 2 adult tickets
- 2+4 – discount applies to 2 adult ticket (in addition – 4th child 8
7–18 yrs. of age receives free admission)
If a family discount is used, parents/guardians should uncheck item No. 8 "OTHER" when selecting the status eligible for the discount.