4. Castle Underground – Lost Wawel, Lapidarium
duration 70 min.
March 26, 2025,
The exhibitions of the route are located partly in the basement of the Castle, partly on its ground floor.
The “Lost Wawel” exhibition encompasses the 10th/11th-century Rotunda of Sts. Felix and Adauctus (aka Blessed Virgin Mary), and the remains of the royal kitchens (16th c.) and coach house (16th/17th c.). Objects from archaeological digs, scale models of historical Wawel buildings, and a collection of Renaissance stove tiles are displayed. Stone sculptures and architectural details are on view in the lapidarium, which also includes 19th-century plaster casts of the carved stone decoration from the Wawel Cathedral’s Sigismund Chapel.
The Lapidarium - in the cellars of the royal palace presents a hitherto unexhibited collection of early modern architectural details and stone sculptures discovered during archeological excavations and preserved from the 19th century to the present day. For the first time, visitors will be able to see how the Renaissance residence was built, experience history hidden for centuries, and learn about the people to whom we owe the restoration of Wawel Royal Castle.
The price of the ticket includes an audio guide (for children over 7 years old). An audio guide will be available to visitors up to 14 years old upon request. The device should be collected from the audio guide rental point in the Promotion and Information Center building next to the information point on the day of visit.
Please note: From 11st January 2025 there is a special promotion: when purchasing a ticket for "The Castle" or "The Castle Underground" visitors can also use the audio guide at other Castle exhibitions for which they will purchase a separate ticket.
Family discounts apply when purchasing tickets for individual visits to the Castle's exhibitions. A special family discount is valid when purchasing a ticket: Wawel for Enthusiasts.
Family discounts do not apply to routes with a guide or educator.
Children 0–7 years of age (until their seventh birthday) – free admission
Family discount applies to a family of 1–2 adults with max. 5 children (till 18 yrs. of age) per adult; min. 1 adult + 1 child:
- 1+1, 2+1 – discount applies to 1 adult ticket
- 2+2, 2+3 – discount applies to 2 adult tickets
- 2+4 – discount applies to 2 adult ticket (in addition – 4th child 7–18 yrs. of age receives free admission)
If a family discount is used, parents/guardians should uncheck item No. 8 "OTHER" when selecting the status eligible for the discount.